Monday, October 7, 2019

Article Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Article Summary - Essay Example The organization experienced alienation of 15 members of the organization within the first two years since it started operating. The author even states that the committee does not believe that the problems faced by the organization are huge and the problem has helped in replacing employees who were less interested in working for the organization with employees who are more interested. The managers of the organization have failed to carry out their function of organizing in a successful manner. They have failed to obtain human resources that are necessary for the attainment of the organization’s objectives. The organization is experiencing decline in number of members due to which various tasks are not being completed as they are required to an the organization is failing to meet its objectives. The managers have even failed to design the jobs of the employees in a proper manner because due to limited staff, one member of the organization has to carry out various tasks. The managers might even be failing to departmentalize the organization because they may not have enough members to completely fill the department and one member within the department might be carrying out various tasks. Bailey, Ian. "Report Finds B.C. Police Watchdog Facing Human Resources Issues." The Globe and Mail. 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 5 Mar. 2015.

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